Search results for: kyle abraham

Dance Matters: Back to the Future

Alexandra Danilova and Frederic Franklin at Jacob’s Pillow. A video clip of the pair in Massine’s Gaité Parisienne in 1948 is available on the Pillow’s Dance Interactive minisite. Photo by John Lindquist, © Harvard Theatre Collection, Courtesy Pillow Archives.     If you’ve ever had time to kill before a performance at Jacob’s Pillow, and […]

Gotham Dance Festival—Summer Sampler Matinee

Gotham Dance Festival—Summer Sampler Matinee The Joyce Theater, NYC Performance reviewed: June 5, 2011   Faye Driscoll and Jesse Zaritt of Faye Driscoll Dance Group in Not…Not (Part I). Photo by Christopher Duggan. Courtesy Gotham Dance Not many young dance artists strike a veteran dance goer as having a truly original voice. But two of […]

Why Aren't We Seeing Older Dancers More Often?

I get it that not every older dancer is as glorious as Carmen de Lavallade. But Paradigm keeps coming up with some great dancers in its small company. For instance, Karen Brown, whom I never saw when she danced with Dance Theatre of Harlem. Radiant, delicate, and focused. These performers have such vivid eyes and […]

Found in the Dancefinder

      Barnard Brings It Barnard College’s guest faculty just keeps getting hipper. For this year’s installment of “Barnard Dances at Miller,” April 29–30 at Columbia University’s Miller Theatre, students take on original works by NYC-based choreographers Kyle Abraham, Faye Driscoll, Jill Johnson, and Jon Kinzel. If these artists deliver what they’re best known […]

Taking Off

However you define “emerging,” it takes longer to get there than you’d think. The six dance artists here have made ripples in certain circles. They are now on the cusp of making waves in the larger dance world. Kyle Abraham New York City In high school, before he ever took a formal dance class, Kyle […]

Summer Study Guide: Springing Ahead

      With only three days left before performing for prospective employers, the dancers of Springboard Danse Montreal look surprisingly calm and seriously focused. In Compagnie Flak’s downtown-Montreal studio, contemporary choreographer José Navas rehearses a piece he made on these dancers just the week before. Across town, Susan Gaudreau, rehearsal director of BJM Danse […]

Awards and Grants

The Doris Duke Charitable Foundation has named the inaugural 21 Doris Duke Artists, each of whom will receive a multi-year cash grant of $225,000, plus up to $50,000 more for audience development and retirement funding. The selected artists were chosen in the fields of contemporary dance, theater, and jazz, via an anonymous peer review They […]

Vital Signs

Down by the Bay STEPOLOGY’s mission of promoting tap hits the mainstage this month with their annual Bay Area Tap Festival, Aug. 16–23. With workshops, panel discussions, tap jams and performances by Ted L. Levy, Channing Cook-Holmes, STEPOLOGY director John Kloss, Dormeshia Sumbry-Edwards, Sam Weber, and San Francisco’s own Barbary Coast Cloggers, the festival also […]

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