Snoop Around Backstage with Sarah Lane
Sarah Lane and Herman Cornejo in Ratmansky’s The Sleeping Beauty. Photo by Rosalie O’Connor.
Every time I step into the Metropolitan Opera House, I have this wild daydream about how great it would be to run past security and snoop around backstage.
Well, lucky me—and you! The Wall Street Journal‘s new virtual reality series is taking readers on a visual journey backstage at the Met. American Ballet Theatre soloist Sarah Lane, who played Aurora in Alexei Ratmansky’s The Sleeping Beauty, is your guide. There’s footage of her in the studio, onstage, in the dressing room and in the wings.
The best part? It’s in 3D, filmed with a 360-degree camera, which gives you that fly-on-the-wall feeling. On your computer, you can click and drag to watch Lane perform a manege around you, and take a look at her dressing room. But if you want to feel super stealth, I suggest getting out your smartphone or tablet—all you have to do is tilt your screen to explore.
Happy creeping!