5 Training Tips To Help You Nail Your Balances

Finding your balance can sometimes feel like making a new discovery every day. “Emotions play a huge part in balance,” says Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater dancer Belén Indhira Pereyra. “Where is your state of mind that day? Something could be happening in the family world or in the friendship world—or internally. Maybe you ate […]

Why Can't Women Jump as High as Men?

Why can’t I jump as high as my male partner? We both have to perform the same series of jetés in a workshop performance and practicing isn’t helping. I’m starting to panic. —Amy, Cincinnati, OH The gender gap between men and women for jump height is significant whether you’re playing basketball or dancing ballet. Research […]

Can I Make My Demi-Plié Deeper?

While I’m lucky to have a high arch, my demi-plié stinks. I keep getting the same correction to make it deeper. Any ideas? —Foot Challenged, Winston-Salem, NC Fake it! A high arch gives you a beautiful pointe but a shallow plié. Structurally, your ankle is not able to go any deeper. The more you and […]

Why Won’t My Sprained Ankle Heal?

It’s been a year since I sprained my ankle and it continues to hurt, even with physical therapy. I’ve had to skip class, and I worry that my injury could ruin any chance of landing a job when I start auditioning. It hurts the most when I do grand pliés. Is there something wrong with […]

I Don't Miss Dance. Should I Feel Guilty?

I had a two-month injury and thought it would make me miserable. Instead, I’m experiencing a huge wave of relief at being out. Should I feel guilty about not missing dance? I still love it but hate never feeling good enough. —Injured Perfectionist, Fort Lauderdale, FL There’s no need to feel guilty. Being injured can […]

Does Getting a Trainee Contract Mean I'll Never Make It?

I feel like a loser after auditioning for a ballet company. Instead of a job, I landed a position in their trainee program. I refused it and switched to a school with a Limón curriculum, which doesn’t do it for me. Now what? —Failure, New York, NY It’s natural to do an about-face and search […]

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